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Home > Hair Transplant > Hair Plant > Can blockage of hair follicles cause hair loss?

Can blockage of hair follicles cause hair loss?


Recently, many hair pals have asked if hair loss has anything to do with hair follicles. Does blockage of hair follicles cause hair loss? Today I want to talk to you friends.


The hair follicle is actually a closed tissue. The bottom hair papilla connects blood vessels to provide nutrients for hair follicles and he upper part wraps the hair shaft. The hair follicle and sebaceous gland are in the same pore. The sebaceous gland secretes oil which is originally discharged along the pore.Therefore, under normal circumstances, hair follicle blockage will not cause direct hair loss, even if it is seborrheic hair loss which is most closely related to lipid secretion, the source of hair loss is male hormones, not oil.


Because oil is secreted from the sebaceous gland, the appendage organ of the hair follicle. The sebaceous gland is under the skin, that means that oil is inside the hair follicle from the day of its birth, and then gradually spills over. There is no concept of "blockage".Moreover, the oil can protect hair follicles against some bacteria and reduce the damage of hair traction to hair follicles. It is beneficial to scalp health. Only fungal infections caused by strong oil can affect scalp health.


Androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete too much oil, which can damage hair follicles and lead to hair loss. If the shampooing frequency is too low or the oil secretion is too strong, it will cause the oil to coagulate into small oil particles, blocking the sebaceous gland excretion outlet, resulting in a series of adverse reactions, affecting the health of hair. It is better to treat hair loss with both methods. Hair transplantation can be chosen when dietary therapy and medication are ineffective.


The total number of hair follicles in a person's life is a fixed value. Generally speaking, the average male has about 5 million hair follicle units all over his body, including about 100,000 hair follicle units in scalp parts. Head hair follicles will gradually decrease with age, and hair follicles are non-renewable resources. If a hair follicle atrophies completely or disappears, it will never grow new hair again. At present, the treatment can only relieve hair loss when hair follicles are not dead, the so-called "revitalization" drugs of hair follicles has not been invented.


Generally speaking, a normal single hair follicle has 1-3 hair, and hair transplantation is generally charged according to the unit of hair follicle. That is to say, a hair follicle unit may be able to grow 1-3 hair, which mainly depends on individual hair follicles. Hair transplantation usually extracts hair follicles from the occipital area, then isolates and cultivates them, and finally plantes them in the hair loss area.Every step is very important. If the hair follicle is damaged during extraction and separation, even if the planting process is smooth, the effect of the final planting will not be satisfactory, because the damaged hair follicle has lost its physiological function. In order to save medical costs, some irregular hair transplantation organizations will make a complete hair follicle separated according to the number of hair wrapped inside, and then plant them. This is serious irresponsibility! Therefore, hair transplantation must choose a regular professional hair transplantation hospital with good reputation, so that the effect of hair transplantation can be guaranteed.


The treatment of hair loss is to cure hair follicles, and the health of hair follicles is the foundation for growing hair.


In addition, when the follicle has not been inactivated, reasonable conditioning and maintenance should not be ignored. Hair follicles are most afraid of staying up late. We should pay attention to the regularity of rest and change the habit of staying up late. Insufficient nutrition can also affect hair follicle health. Daily diet can increase the intake of high-quality protein, vitamins and trace elements. External maintenance focuses on cleaning, can maintain a regular shampoo habits, in order to prevent microbial growth from causing folliculitis.